Recommended Reading

What site would be complete without a reading list? Anyway, these are some of my personal favourites (and this list is likely to undergo frequent dramatic change without notice). Not all of them are specifically Wicca, and a lot of them are very women/Goddess oriented.

The Spiral Dance - Starhawk
This is, without a doubt, my favourite book on Wicca. Every witch should own it. It's beautifully written and would be useful to anyone practicing the Craft or just interested and wanting to know what it's about. With all the rituals, spells, exercises and theory in this book, you could start a coven based on it.

Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca - Scott Cunningham
These are probably the best two books for an absolute beginner to read first. They're very easy to follow and Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner tells you everything you need to know to initially get started, and has a simple (but complete) book of shadows in the back.

To Ride a Silver Broomstick and To Stir a Magic Cauldron - Silver Ravenwolf
These two books are a complete course in Wicca, and are the closest thing you'll get to a human teacher. They're written in a really warm, friendly style and are set out in lessons with exercises to do. They're really comprehensive and by the time you're finished with them you can honestly call yourself a Witch. The only problem I have with them is that I have a morbid fear of textbooks�